The story of Our Lady of the Cape is the story of the "Revival of the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Rosary to unleash a torrent of grace upon the earth for the conversion of souls."
Below are excerpts from the authorization letter from the Dominican Promoter General of the Rosary.
If Our Lady of the Cape is touching your heart to either "lend support" or become part of the "MDM's mission" for the salvation of souls, a reading of the full letter will fill you with joy!
...it is the hope of the Master of the Order of Preachers that we shall work towards the renewal and reinvigoration of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Rosary.
...aid us in promoting and preaching Our Lady’s Rosary, for the salvation of souls.
Therefore, I hope that you will lend support to the Girards and the MDM in their mission, and that you will prayerfully discern how, to the honour of Our Lady and the glory of God, you might participate in the renewal and expansion of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Rosary.
Thank you. I remain, yours in the service of Our Blessed Mother,
Father Lawrence Lew, O.P. Promoter Generalis pro Rosario.
Dated: 11 February, the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.
To become part of the "MDM's mission" simply:
Join the "MDM Intercessor Family" HERE
Share the Bridge of Roses Movie by becoming a "Movie Missionary" HERE
The film does all the talking for you to inspire souls to enrol in the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Rosary.
Direct souls to RosaryBridge.com
Lend Support by a tax deductible* donation HERE
*Receipts for Canadians - thank you to all our American friends who support the MDM!
We invite you to download the Authorization Letter and take it into prayer. Add to cart to receive a digital download and register with the MDM or download the PDF HERE
"Every Catholic who loves our Lady should make a virtual pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Cape by means of the Bridge of Roses and profit from the enormous graces God there has given the Church through our Lady."
Monsignor Roger J. Landry National Director, The Pontifical Mission Societies USA
A priest discovers a pig chewing on a rosary. What he does next transforms his parish into a national shrine. This is the movie behind the Our Lady of the Rosary’s movement to unite her shrines throughout the world in prayer by means of the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Rosary. - Dennis Girard, Executive Producer, Bridge of Roses: The Story of Our Lady of the Cape
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*Tracking only applies to orders of 10 DVDs and above. Stamps are used for both single and buy 3 get 1 Free orders so there is not tracking and timing for delivery depends on Canada Post. (thanks for your understanding)
Simply; click Add to Cart, click Checkout, submit your information, click Continue to Shipping, click Continue to Payment, click Pay Now, (it is free). Your certificate will be emailed to you, download your certificate, print your name and date it. Your name will be recorded at the Canadian National Shrine of Our Lady of the Cape which is considered North America's most important Marian Shrine.
Please enrol each person separately. You may use the same email and mailing address but a separate order for each person is required for registration. Simply indicate their name in the "Shipping Address" box. Thank you.
NOTE: Only If your address is not recognized, simply switch to "Pick Up" and submit your information in the Billing Address section. It will be processed and your certificate will be emailed to you for download.
Questions: 1.888.501.1083
To Support the Marian Devotional Movement by becoming an MDM Pilgrim Partner Click "HERE" The MDM is a registered Charity with the CRA
The Rosary Confraternity Movie (Bridge of Roses)
Each member strives to pray the mysteries of the Rosary meaning the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries; the Luminous Mysteries is not included as an obligation but is certainly encouraged, each week (this does not bind under sin), and must have his/her name inscribed in the register of the Confraternity. There are no meetings, no dues.
You are about to enrol in one of the oldest Confraternities of the Most Holy Rosary. It was established in the New World in 1694 at Cap-de-la-Madeleine. You will be united in universal prayer with the multitude of souls who belong to the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary across the world. We encourage you to discover the riches of your Marian Heritage. To assist you, below are key milestones along the way.
More information call: 1.888.501.1083
Simply; click Add to Cart, click Checkout, submit your information, click Continue to Shipping, click Continue to Payment, click Pay Now, (it is free). Your certificate will be emailed to you, download your certificate, print your name and date it. Your name will be recorded at the Canadian National Shrine of Our Lady of the Cape which is considered North America's most important Marian Shrine.
Please enrol each person separately. You may use the same email and mailing address but a separate order for each person is required for registration. Simply indicate their name in the "Shipping Address" box. Thank you.
NOTE: If your address is not recognized, simply switch to "Pick Up" and submit your information in the Billing Address section. It will be processed and your certificate will be emailed to you for download.
Questions: 1.888.501.1083
To Support the Marian Devotional Movement by becoming an MDM Pilgrim Partner Click "HERE" The MDM is a registered Charity with the CRA - Watch the 2020 video announcement "HERE"
Each member strives to pray the mysteries of the Rosary meaning the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries; the Luminous Mysteries is not included as an obligation but is certainly encouraged, each week (this does not bind under sin), and must have his/her name inscribed in the register of the Confraternity. There are no meetings, no dues.
You are about to enrol in one of the oldest Confraternities of the Most Holy Rosary. It was established in the New World in 1694 at Cap-de-la-Madeleine. You will be united in universal prayer with the multitude of souls who belong to the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary across the world. We encourage you to discover the riches of your Marian Heritage. To assist you, below are key milestones along the way.
More information call: 1.888.501.1083