"Cap-de-la-Madeleine was a parish of lukewarm Catholics. Fr. Desilets was going to use the rosary as a weapon to restore the vitality of their faith."
Recorded from October 7th, the Feast of the Holy Rosary, to October 13th, the 100th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun - the story of Our Lady of the Cape reveals the gravity of our Heavenly Mother's love for souls and the means she uses to bring her children back to faith in her Son.
About the Author
James Gerard Shaw first visited Our Lady of the Cape as Feature Editor for the British United Press on August 15th, 1948 - the day Isabelle Naud went home from the Blessing of the Sick and rose from the wheel-chair she had been tied to for ten years. In 1950 he succeeded Fr. John Mole, OMI, as editor of Our Lady of the Cape magazine, a position he left in 1953 to devote himself to writing books.
Shaw's unique insight, writing at the height of Marian piety in Canada, and with access to the exhaustive archives at the Cape, reveals many crucial details long forgotten about the extraordinary story of Canada's spiritual heritage ... a careful listen is almost certainly bound to lead the listener to a "Cape Conversion; the aha moment one experiences upon discovering the length, depth and breadth of Heaven's Divinedesign through the founding of Cap-de-la-Madeleine and the story of Our Lady of the Cape."
Intercessor Prayer Card Combo
Regular price
Includes 10 Queen of Intercessor prayer cards and 10 Daily Marian Consecration Cards - FREE SHIPPING - Canada and the US
Marian Consecration Daily Prayer Cards
Regular price
Handing out the Marian Consecration Daily Prayer card is a simple way to encourage consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The daily prayer, based on St. Louis de Montfort's Trinitarian approach to Marian Consecration, was composed to recognize the following:
We desire to place "all" in Mary's hands for the greater Glory of God.
We acknowledge and are thankful for the redemption that comes to us through her Son, Jesus Christ.
We acknowledge that God the Holy Spirit disperses grace through Mary.
We ask for Mary's intercession to help us fulfill the vows of our baptism.
We ask for Mary's intercession to help us fulfill God's plan for our lives.
1.888.501.1083 to order Marian Devotional Daily Prayer Cards in bulk.
The third image is not part of the card but rather gives a description of the incalculable consecrations generated by Our Lady of the Cape's journey to the historic 1947 Marian Congress.
Miraculous Medal Cape Card
Regular price
An MDM Pray-it-Forward Initiative
As a sacramental, these laminated cards are free to request, however, they are not free to create. It is the hope of the MDM and the Cape Card Crew that those who request cards will DONATE "HERE" and designate the donation towards the creation of more Miraculous Medal Cape Cards.
The Miraculous Medal Cape Card is a sacramental that inspires Marian devotees and the faithful to call upon the Queen of Intercessors for favours. Please email favours received to info@theMDM.org.
To Learn more about the relics the blue blessed cloth on the Cape Card has touched besides the Miraculous Statue of Our Lady of the Cape and the tombs of Fr. Desilets and Fr. Vachon, CLICK HERE for Downloadable PDF.
Testimony of a woman who received this Sacramental Prayer Card...
Good morning! I have been praying the rosary daily for my 44 year old son in law after he had a stroke 4 months ago. I received a prayer card from MDM last week and have been praying the Novena to the Queen of Intercessors for his complete recovery! This morning as I prayed touching the two blessed fragments on the card while holding the Blessed rose petal I felt a tingling in my fingers. My daughter just called to say that test results from yesterday showed the deficiency which was preventing him from ever driving again has healed to the point he may now drive! This was not expected!! Thanks be to God and to our Blessed Mother for her intercession!
Our Lady of the Cape, Queen of Canada Lapel Pin
Regular price
Conversation Starter!
Beautiful 1" Lapel Pin
"Anyone who gives a medal, a holy picture or book to another person, has done no more than to inspire a thought for GOD...for many souls are saved in this way, many preserved from error and encouraged in goodness."
St. John Bosco, pray for us. Amen
Our Lady of the Cape Fleece Blanket
Regular price
A Beautiful fleece blanket featuring North America's Our Lady of the Cape, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary!
On July 1st, 2017, at Notre Dame Cathedral in the Nation's Capital, Archbishop Terrence Prendergast reconsecrated Canada to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This act recalled the original historic consecration of the Dominion of Canada to the Immaculate Heart at the 1947 Marian Congress in Ottawa. Remember this Marian milestone with a one of a kind 60" x 40" Our Lady of the Cape Fleece Blanket. The blanket features the MDM Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of the Cape adorned with red and white flowers to also mark the 150th anniversary of Canada. View the historic reconsecration video below.
Testimonies below...
I did put my YES in the chat box this afternoon for 2 of those precious blankets🦋and just ordered them on your website
It’s wonderful to create holy heirlooms that we can bless people with and one day hand them down to our families and friends.
Years ago I had a few things made with beautiful prayers on them and the recipients cherished them and eventually handed them down to loved ones
It will be part of your MDM Legacy my dear friendand I think it is a fabulous idea!!!
I would like to express my joy and delight in receiving and opening the beautiful package that you gave me in the parking lot at St. Mary’s. When Dennis first handed it over to me I was touched by the beauty of the colours and fabric used to package the order. The gorgeous blankets were folded in such a way to highlight through the package the beautiful profile of Our Lady of the Cape. When I first glanced at that profile it took my breath away.
It was to my delight that during my morning Rosary and Divine mercy chaplet group...one of our members displayed the new Mother Mary blanket.
During discussing the beautiful blanket we discussed the MDM group..the movie...the pilgrimage.
Our Mother Mary is definitely working through us and the beautiful blanket.
God bless
Mother Mary leads us all to her son Jesus Christ.
Cathy Cotton
Pilgrim Statue Visitation Program Kit
Regular price
Program includes a Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady Of The Cape.
Our Lady Of The Cape is The Pilgrim Queen!
You can have her visit your family members!
...or members of your Parish!
Click HERE for the incredible story from the Annals about a nun who brought The Pilgrim Queen to her family leading to a miracle of conversion.
Kit Includes:
Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of the Cape
1 Miraculous Medal Cape Card/one blessed rose petal
1 Second Class Relic Prayer Card of Blessed Mother Mary Leonie
2 Marian Consecration for Little Souls Retreat Books
1 Bridge of Roses: The Story of Our Lady of the Cape Dvd
1 Our Lady of the Cape Double CD Set
1 Rosary/Divine Mercy Chaplet DVD
2 Marian Consecration Daily Prayer Cards
1 Authorization letter from the Dominican Promoter General laminated
Decide on a place of prominence to install the pilgrim statue of Our Lady of the Cape.
Adorn her with flowers. Place any medals you have of the Saints by her. You may also choose to buy a rose or roses and have your priest bless them using the Dominican prayer from the Recipe for Renewal sheet.*
Pray the Marian Consecration Daily Prayer and offer up petitions.
Read the authorization letter from the Dominican Promoter General of the Rosary.
Enrol in the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary at RosaryBridge.com
Listen to the Our lady of the Cape - Her Story, Your Story Double CD Set.
Watch the Bridge of Roses: The Story of Our Lady of the Cape at BridgeofRosesfilm.com. All purchases support the MDM
Begin the nine day Marian Consecration for Little Souls retreat. (download free retreat guide at FrGandBB.com)
Pray the Rosary. (praying with the included Rosary DVD is ideal for catechetical purposes)
Consider becoming a Movie Missionary at MovieMissionaries.org
*Blessed Roses are blessed objects. They may be kept, burned or buried. If kept, treat with reverence.
It is anticipated that individuals will recite the Marian Consecration Daily prayer which can be left by the statue of Our Lady of the Cape.
The above are suggestions to inspire devotion and blessings upon participating families/individuals. At the conclusion of the two weeks, families/individuals are encouraged to offer prayers of thanksgiving and to pray for the next family or individual who will receive the Visitation Kit.
Here is my testimony: Gwen
My mum's (Sheila Faustin) health started declining in March of this year. She had a stroke on June 3, 2021 and was taken to Hospital. She was released from the hospital on July 22, 2021. She returned to the hospital on July 23, 2021 due to a wound on her foot which became septic. My mother started to improve and the doctor gave the permission to release her on Wednesday August 4. During the morning of August 4, my mum suffered several major seizures and was not released from the hospital. My sister and I would visit her, pray the rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet and other devotional prayers.
The travelling pilgrim statue of Our Lady of the Cape visited St. Aidan's Catholic Church on the weekend of August 7/8, 2021. On Saturday evening during my visit to the Blessed Mother I placed a petition in the box, asking Mama Mary to take my mum on her Feast Day - The Assumption of Our Blessed Mother, August 15, 2021. My friend Naomi, asked if I would like to have Our Lady of the Cape Statue (The travelling pilgrim statue) visit my home for one day and night. I said yes! Our Lady came to my home on Wednesday August 9. I invited my sister and a few friends for prayers. During our prayer session, I cried out to Mama Mary and said "Mama I know your Son has the appointed day and time for each one of us to be called to our heavenly home. I am asking you to intercede on my behalf and take my mum home to your Son on the Feast of the Assumption August 15, 2021 your Feast Day. I returned the travelling statue on Thursday August 10. I visited my mum in the evening on Saturday August 14, 2021; before leaving her bedside, I bent down close to her left ear and whispered to her that "mama Mary will come & take her to Jesus in the morning; it's ok to go with mama Mary, we will be fine and dad will be ok, we will take care of him". My mum died peacefully on Sunday August 15, 2021 at 3:00am. Praise God! Thank you Mama Mary for your powerful intercession. We felt at peace when we received the news from the hospital. May The Blessed Mother continue to cover and protect you with her Holy Mantle. God bless, Gwen
Excerpt from
Zoe was alone in the bedroom; she had looked carefully about to make sure of that. She had a duty to perform, and like all the solemn and decisive acts of life, it had to be done alone. Of course even Zoe did not realize that what she was about to do far transcended her personal life. It was vital to countless millions yet unborn; and so she might have spared herself her pains, for all the world was to see her. The Blessed Virgin arranged for the servant to happen quietly on the scene and to observe it all.
Zoe pulled a chair over beneath the shelf, for it was too high for her to reach, even if she stood on tiptoe. Climbing up on the chair, she stretched overhead and took down Our Lady's image. She was too much engrossed in the ecstasy of her devotion to notice anything now. She did not even get down from the chair; it would serve well enough for the altar of her choosing and dedication. Throwing her arms about the statue, she hugged it close to her little body, as a child might fondle her favorite doll or teddy bear.
But this was no doll. In a sense, it was no longer just a statue of Our Lady. It was Mary herself. Zoe's words showed that very clearly.
"Now, dear Blessed Mother," she said aloud with childlike fervor, "now you will be my Mother!"
Probably the incident of the statue was almost entirely for the benefit of mankind, a way of serving public notice that the Marian Age had begun.
Our Lady of the Cape, 8 Inch
Regular price
8" Pilgrim Statue for parishes and families. Beautifully crafted by Creations Bella, supplier for the Shrine of Our Lady of the Cape. Message or call 1.888.501.1083 for more info.