Marian Devotional Movement


  1. Enrolling in the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary to Intercede with Mary to Unleash a River of Grace Upon the Earth to bring about Conversions in Family Members, Policy Makers and Souls disposed to respond to the Divine Mercy of God. See CCC 1432 and 1431 

  2. Building the Bridge of Rosaries to Intercede with Our Lady of the Cape, Queen of Intercessors, for the World.

  3. Increasing Devotion to St. Michael and the Two Hearts as Revealed to Venerable Philomena by the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

  4. By Becoming an MDM Pilgrim Partner

  5. Becoming a Movie Missionary


The MDM is a Registered Charity with the Canadian Revenue Agency. Many have, along with their prayerful support, financially supported the efforts of the Marian Devotional Movement. What began as a mustard seed is now flourishing all over the world as more and more pilgrims enrol in the Rosary Confraternity. 




The Road to the Great 2033 Jubilee emerged as the nine year path forward for the MDM. It was summarized in video format by the Director of the MDM, Dennis Girard on the second leg of the To Rome with Love Pilgrim Statue Tour in the United States. This would prove to be the second tour across the border following on the heels the Eucharistic Pilgrim Statue Tour in July that culminated in Indianapolis where the USA held a National Eucharistic Congress attended by over 50,000 people. Additionally, EWTN once again aired the Bridge of Roses on October 7th in conjunction with the inaugural World Rosary Day to pray for the 2025 Jubilee year. The Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of the Cape also participated in the EWTN Family Celebration in Toronto. Enrollment in the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary increased dramatically across the globe and many made the Fr. Luc Vow.


The MDM, as a member of the steering committee of CEMA (Coalition of Eucharistic and Marian Apostolates) expanded the Call to Confraternity by facilitating the establishment of the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Rosary at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy in Stockbridge. This was the final piece in launching informally the Federation of Shrines in October. MDM TV officially launched on March 25th with the Triumph Room inaugurated for the pilgrimage season at REGINAS in the Service Centre at Canada's National Marian Shrine. Multiple screenings of the Bridge of Roses continued with another EWTN worldwide broadcast taking place in October. Plans to process the National Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of the Cape to the US National Eucharistic Congress in 2024 akin to the Papal Visit Procession of 2022 were ratified with most locations confirmed. 


A banner year for the MDM that began with the Canada54 National Novena praying for mandates to lift by May so that "Mary could visit her children" from coast to coast to coast. With the support of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, the MDM spearheaded over 200 Pilgrim Statue Tour events featuring 4 replica pilgrim statues of Our Lady of the Cape. Additionally the directors of the MDM conducted a cross country Papal Visit Procession of the National Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of the Cape from the Cape to Edmonton stopping at Cathedrals and parishes along the way garnering prayer intentions to be lifted up at the Papal Mass in Edmonton. The year also featured the EWTN worldwide broadcast of the Bridge of Roses docudrama and the establishment of Reginas (the MDM's offices and visitor welcome space) at Canada's National Marian Shrine.


The second year of the pandemic saw increasing growth in the desire for MDMers to pray together. In addition, by God's grace the Bridge of Roses film was fully funded, filmed and released on the 450th anniversary of Our Lady of the Rosary spawning a Movie Missionaries movement to promote Mary's Blueprint. The MDM is granted authorization by the Dominican order to begin facilitating the establishment of the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary at Marian Shrines.



Through the MDM's Canada54 National Novena, Mary's title for our times - Queen of Intercessors was birthed on June 22nd. This Marian milestone is preparing the way for growing her Intercessor Family throughout the world. During the pandemic the MDM has established virtual Intercessor Experiences as the Bridge of Rosaries continues to grow across the globe.

2018 & 2019


Building on the 2017 MDM momentum, the DnA Live Show began streaming in January 2018. On August 22nd, 2019, in the midst of the Cape - Capital 5 Day Pilgrimage, the MDM hosted Canada's First Rosary Bowl. Additional initiatives included the Divine Invitation 2019 featuring the release of the Heart to Heart booklet; the release of the Our Lady of the Cape - Her Story, Your Story double CD audio book; and the republishing of the devotional book, the Woman in Orbit featuring daily Marian stories. 


Promoted the reconsecration of Canada to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by discovering and securing the rights to produce an english version of the 1947 documentary chronicling the historic Marian Congress from the BAnQ (Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec). Watch Documentary "Here"

Commissioned  a mold of the miraculous statue of the Our Lady of the Cape to be created - the MDM Pilgrim Queen was fashioned from this mold and processed into Notre Dame Cathedral to celebrate the Diocese of Ottawa's 170th anniversary in April.

Accompanied the miraculous pilgrim statue of Our Lady of the Cape to the Knights of Columbus Ontario State Convention where she was crowned by the Most Reverend Marcel Damphousse, Bishop of Sault Ste. Marie. 

Accompanied the miraculous pilgrim statue of Our Lady of the Cape, along with the MDM's first class relics of Blessed Frederic Janssoone and Blessed Marie Leonie Paradis to the Divine Mercy Sunday Feast at St. Timothy's in Toronto. 

Facilitated and oversaw the installation of the miraculous pilgrim statue of Our Lady of the Cape at Blessed Sacrament Parish on Mother's Day. Watch Invitation video "Here"

Constructed and opened the Pilgrim Statue Kiosk to support the ongoing efforts of promoting the memory of the 1947 Marian Congress and to act as the geographical headquarters for the Marian Devotional Movement.

Organized the MC70 celebrations held in June to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the consecration of the Dominion of Canada to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on June 22, 1947. 

Accompanied and facilitated the installation of the MDM Pilgrim Queen at Notre Cathedral in Ottawa for the July 1st celebrations of the reconsecration of Canada to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by Archbishop Terrence Prendergast. Watch Consecration video "Here"

Led a pilgrimage to the "Rosary Shrine" to officially launch the Marian Devotional Movement on August 22nd, the Feast of the Queenship of Mary at Canada's National Marian Shrine of Our Lady of the Cape. 

Accompanied the MDM Pilgrim Queen to Notre Dame Cathedral for the historic reconsecration of Canada to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the bishops of Canada on September, 26th.

Discovered the now unpublished 1954 James Shaw's book on Our Lady of the Cape. This led to the development of the "Recipe for Renewal" initiative encompassing Marian Consecration, the Rosary Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary and the Blessing of Roses.

Recorded and released an audio version of Shaw's book under the title of Our Lady of the Cape, Her Story - Your Story. 

On November 27th, the Feast of the Miraculous Medal, Fr. (now Bishop) Pierre-Olivier Tremblay, OMI, the Rector at Canada's National Marian Shrine, and his pastoral council agree to entrust the Marian Devotional Movement as Registrar for the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary originally established at the Cape in 1694. This historic decision forges the foundation for the ongoing efforts of Marian Devotional Movement, namely the enrolment of souls in the Rosary Confraternity. In addition, the MDM promotes pilgrimages to the Confraternity altar at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Cape.


In 1909 the Father's of the Canadian Church gathered for the first Plenary Council. They met for six weeks and crafted the Five Pillars of Devotion to the Rosary. 


Without any foreknowledge of the 1909 Plenary, (and what could affectionately be described as their own mini version of the Dead Sea scrolls discovery after coming across the "Five Pillars" (pictured above in the header of this web page in archival documents at the Cape) the Directors of the Marian Devotional Movement, Dennis and Angelina Girard, who launched the MDM at Canada's National Marian Shrine at Cap-de-la-Madeleine in 2017, have been advancing greater awareness of these "Five Pillars." 


Subsequent to making the same 1867 vow as Fr. Luc Desilets, namely promoting enrolment in the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary established at the Cape in 1694, they have been employing all means possible to spread the "Recipe for Renewal." Whether it be through Media including the 2021 release of the film, Bridge of Roses, Pilgrimages to the Cape, Apparition Evangelization, or Rosary Bowls initiative inspired by Venerable Fr. Patrick Peyton, the "Call to Action" is enrolment in the Rosary Confraternity.