Or ... DOWNLOAD FREE excerpts from one of Archbishop Vachon's personal copies documenting the historic 1947 Marian Congress. Highlights include Canada's consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the chapter on the Peace Chapel where the miraculous pilgrim statue of Our Lady of the Cape, Queen of Canada was venerated during the congress.
Image of Our Lady of the Cape and the Miracle of the Ice Bridge
5 x 7 inch blank greeting cards to be used for all occasions including Holy Mass intentions using the optional Mass Card inserts for the living and deceased. Mass card insert is double sided.
Please note: You can have a Mass said for 5.00 that will go out to the priests in the Mission on any given day for the living or deceased. You can have a Mass said for Our Blessed Mother Mary's intentions. Call Our Lady of the Cape Shrine to arrange for this type of Mass 819-374-2441
Greeting Card includes envelope.
Birthdays, anniversaries, Priest Ordination/Anniversary, Religious profession, Thank you, Sympathy, Thinking of you, Teacher, Get well, New home, Engagement, New baby, Baptism, Confirmation, First Holy Communion, Christmas, Valentine, Easter, Wedding, Showers etc.
Listen to the Miracle of the Ice Bridge account HERE
Attention All 2022 Pilgrim Statue Visit Participants!
Regular price
You are part of making Marian Milestone History!
75 years ago, pilgrim statues of Our Lady of the Cape and Our Lady of Fatima travelled across North America and beyond.
Read the recently discovered article from the 1948 annals at the Cape penned by Buffalo's Bishop John F. O'Hara.
Bethlehem Olive Wood Crucifix
Regular price
Pewter Corpus Oriental Crucifix made of Olive Wood With Incense, stone and dried olive leaves - 5 1/4"
Blessed Roses Annals Info and Prayer
Regular price
Ask Our Lady of the Cape, Queen of Intercessors, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary for favours with your blessed roses. Download the Blessed Roses Prayer "HERE" Have your priest bless your roses and distribute petals to family and friends. Remember Blessed Roses are a sacramental and must be either used, buried or burned. Download Image without going through Checkout Procedure"HERE"
From Linda...once I get the fresh roses, I do not put them in water. I do not let them sit for a few days. But immediately Cut off stems right at the rose and discard.
Then pluck the heads off remaining stem which comes out with the stem and the seeds. I discard these.
Then I gently peel, each rose petal, placed it in a plastic container lined with paper towel, side by side and each row has paper towel in between .
They usually dry within two weeks or so . After a few days, I check for any that are already dried usually the top layers. This process can’t be rushed otherwise petals will mould in the plastic bags.
The completely dried rose petals I put in paper, lunch bags and mark on the bag. Not blessed, rose petals.
Usually wait a week or so before sealing the bags or putting in individual plastic bags.
I received the beautiful candle and blessed rose petal in today's mail. Thank you so much. I love the idea of having a priest bless roses and I will definitely have this done and will share the petals with our parishioners at Our Lady of Sorrows in Fort Nelson, BC.
Just to let you know that the Blessed Rose Petal you sent me worked wonders. In just over 24 hours of receiving it, a date for the Blessing of the Roses at Our Lady of Sorrows in Fort Nelson BC has been set for Dec 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
We had the Blessing of the Roses on Dec 8th. We had a nice crowd considering we are a small parish. About 20-25 people which was great! People took multiples of the roses petals and Our Lady of the Cape consecration prayer cards. We also provided little paper envelopes so the people could get their petals home safely in the cold weather. I took the remaining roses home and dried the petals between book pages. I like the smooth look it creates. I checked last week and they were not totally dry so I am sure they will dry by tomorrow and I will bring them to the parish for people to take this weekend in honour of Mary Mother of God Sunday. My plan is to bundle the roses, as you did, with a rose petal in a zip lock bag, prayer card and MDM sheet with the blessing prayer. I also bought little mesh bags to put each little bundle in.
What a wonderful experience! I won't hesitate to do it again!
Many blessings to you and Dennis. Thank you so much for all of your guidance on this.Warmest regards, Chris
Testimony from Sherry...
Dear Dennis & Angelina,
This is my testimony in gratitude to Our Lady of the Cape and her blessed rose petals.
On November 1, I went by ambulance to the ER because of a GI bleed. I chose to come back home to recover after a CT scan showed colitis. This was something totally new and unexpected. The bleeding & clotting wouldn't stop so I went back and was admitted to the hospital. My GI doctor diagnosed it as caused by a viral infection. I was given fluids & an antibiotic by IV. I came home on Monday, November 4, but remained weak, dehydrated and any food I ate just raced through my body and kept me running to the bathroom multiple times per day for seven days with no end in sight.
Then came Monday, November 11. Not feeling that strong, I still went to clean the Shrine Chapel. I was so happy to see the travelling statue of Our Lady of the Cape already in place. After we finished cleaning the chapel, I asked my friend if she would pray over me to be well. We knelt in front of Our Lady and prayed as I pressed a blessed rose petal on my abdomen. I felt confident that she would answer our prayer. And sure enough, the GI problems completely ceased from that moment on!
I am so grateful for your visit to our Shrine, for bringing Our Lady & the blessed rose petals, and for your very enthusiastic, inspiring talks.
God Bless you both,
Please listen to One Man's Vow to understand the magnitude of the prodigies of the Blessing of the Roses. The audio begins near the aforementioned section.
Bridge of Roses DVD
Regular price
The Bridge of Roses docudrama was intentionally produced to become more relevant with every passing year. Now available on MDM TV
AKA - "The Rosary Confraternity Movie"
"Every Catholic who loves our Lady should make a virtual pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Cape by means of the Bridge of Roses and profit from the enormous graces God there has given the Church through our Lady."
Monsignor Roger J. Landry National Director, The Pontifical Mission Societies USA
Postscript to the Movie: Since 2022 (post pandemic), the pilgrim statue is no longer installed at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Ottawa, Canada. Custodians, Dennis & Angelina Girard of the Marian Devotional Movement have undertaken various processions notably the 2022 Papal Visit Procession, the 2024 Eucharist Congress Procession and the To Rome with Love Pilgrim Statue Tour currently in progress.
All Prices Include Shipping!*
A priest discovers a pig chewing on a rosary. What he does next transforms his parish into a national shrine. This is the movie behind the Our Lady of the Rosary’s movement to unite her shrines throughout the world in prayer by means of the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Rosary. - Dennis Girard, Executive Producer, Bridge of Roses: The Story of Our Lady of the Cape
*Free shipping only applies to Canadian currency orders. USD currency orders will trigger shipping charges.
*Tracking only applies to orders of 10 DVDs and above. Stamps are used for both single and buy 3 get 1 Free orders so there is not tracking and timing for delivery depends on Canada Post. (thanks for your understanding)
Includes English, French dubbed and Spanish subtitled versions of the movie.
In the year 1251, in the town of Aylesford in England, Our Lady appeared to St. Simon Stock, a Carmelite. She handed him a brown woolen scapular and said, “This shall be a privilege for you and all Carmelites, that anyone dying in this habit shall not suffer eternal fire.” In time, the Church extended this magnificent privilege to all the laity who are willing to be invested in the Brown Scapular of the Carmelites and who perpetually wear it.
True devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary consists in three things: VENERATION, CONFIDENCE AND LOVE. By simply wearing the Scapular, we can tell her every moment of the day that we venerate her, love her and trust in her protection.
The Scapular Is a Silent Prayer
As Our Lord taught us to say the Our Father, Our Blessed Mother taught us the value of the scapular. When we use it as a prayer, Our Lady draws us to the Sacred Heart of Her Divine Son. It is good, therefore, to hold the scapular in the hand. A prayer offered while holding the Scapular is as perfect as a prayer can be. It is especially in time of temptation that we need the powerful intercession of God’s Mother. The evil spirit is utterly powerless when the wearer of a scapular faces temptation, calling upon the Holy Virgin in this silent devotion. “If you had recommended yourself to me, you would not have run into such danger,” was Our Lady’s gentle reproach to Blessed Alan de la Roche, one of her devoted servants.
NOTE: For the initial 3 beads not associated with the Chaplet of St. Joseph, you may consider praying the Three Hail Marys devotion or simply recite three Hail Marys.
The Feasts of St. Joseph:
The primary feast of St. Joseph is March 19because it is believed that his death occurred on that date. This feast was fixed in the 15th century and was extended to the whole Church by Pope Gregory XV in 1621.
On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, 1870, Pope Pius IX ordered that St. Joseph's feast day was to be a double of the first class. Holy Mother Church dedicates the entire month of March to St. Joseph, as well as the First Wednesdays.
May 1 was established as the Feast ofSt. Joseph the Workman by Pope Pius XII in 1955,chosen to coincide with Labor days in many nations. In addition there were two other feasts no longeron the official calendar.
The Eight Promises of St. Joseph
1. God will grant special graces to those that do not know me, to have a great devotion to me. 2. God will bless all who are married and the blessing in their family will be without limit. 3. Those married and without children will be blessed with offspring. 4. God will give special graces to be delivered from temptations and the attacks of the devil. 5. They shall have a good and happy death. 6. They shall overcome their trials and tribulations. 7. God shall grant them immediate help when they invoke my intercession, for the demons have extreme dread of the invocation of my name. 8. For all those who embrace a St. Joseph cenacle, they shall obtain a more fervent love for Jesus and a true devotion to Most Holy Mary.
St. Francis de Sales made St. Joseph the special Patron of the religious order he founded, the Order of the Visitation. In addition to naming at least one of his parishes in his honor, he set Joseph as the model of the interior life and contemplative prayer for his own spiritual daughters–and in particular for the novices, who were to look upon St. Joseph as their novice “master” and guide (A Manual of Practical Devotion to the Glorious Patriarch St. Joseph, translated by Fr. Patrignani, p. 78).
Image of his relic below that you can ask his intercession for you.