“This new Trinity (Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Michael the Archangel) must be blessed and glorified on earth as is the unity of the Three Divine Persons in Heaven; blessed is the nation, blessed is the country ... which will be inflamed with this devotion!" (Jesus to Venerable Philomena in 1867) - The year Canada became a nation.
"... that Pius IX would not leave Rome and that, finally, a great nation would enter the fold of the Catholic Church." (Jesus to Venerable Philomena in 1863)
Read the "Foreword"
Short Excerpt: Her First Eucharist
The servant of God herself, notwithstanding the insight from above, notwithstanding her experience of these divine wonders, admitted she was unable to express it. She simply declared that after receiving in her heart Jesus in the Eucharist, she felt flooded by a torrent of ineffable delight to the point of losing the use of her senses for more than 18 hours.
Her confessor, who knew the humility of the servant of God and her invincible reluctance to express the special favours from her Divine Spouse, did not hesitate to call this lapse by its real name: a celestial rapture; the servant of God later, forced through saintly obedience, admitted that she indeed had been raptured in spirit and favoured, during this rapture, with the grace of light, pressing and gentle, that determined, then and there, the complete offering of herself to Jesus through the Immaculate Mary.
She writes: “I felt a more than usual intimate sense of contemplation and I had a clear vision of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Holy Virgin Mary. At that moment, I got up from my bed and kneeled in front of an image of the Queen of heaven. Without words, I told her about the fire in my soul in this divine work that I cannot explain. Jesus then gave me a very clear and very noble manifestation of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and, at the same time, I understood the beauty of virginity and how the Holy Virgin is partial to it.
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A priest discovers a pig chewing on a rosary. What he does next transforms his parish into a national shrine. This is the movie behind the Our Lady of the Rosary’s movement to unite her shrines throughout the world in prayer by means of the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Rosary. - Dennis Girard, Executive Producer, Bridge of Roses: The Story of Our Lady of the Cape
*Free shipping only applies to Canadian currency orders. USD currency orders will trigger shipping charges.
*Tracking only applies to orders of 10 DVDs and above. Stamps are used for both single and buy 3 get 1 Free orders so there is not tracking and timing for delivery depends on Canada Post. (thanks for your understanding)
"Cap-de-la-Madeleine was a parish of lukewarm Catholics. Fr. Desilets was going to use the rosary as a weapon to restore the vitality of their faith."
Recorded from October 7th, the Feast of the Holy Rosary, to October 13th, the 100th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun - the story of Our Lady of the Cape reveals the gravity of our Heavenly Mother's love for souls and the means she uses to bring her children back to faith in her Son.
James Gerard Shaw first visited Our Lady of the Cape as Feature Editor for the British United Press on August 15th, 1948 - the day Isabelle Naud went home from the Blessing of the Sick and rose from the wheel-chair she had been tied to for ten years. In 1950 he succeeded Fr. John Mole, OMI, as editor of Our Lady of the Cape magazine, a position he left in 1953 to devote himself to writing books.
Shaw's unique insight, writing at the height of Marian piety in Canada, and with access to the exhaustive archives at the Cape, reveals many crucial details long forgotten about the extraordinary story of Canada's spiritual heritage ... a careful listen is almost certainly bound to lead the listener to a "Cape Conversion; the aha moment one experiences upon discovering the length, depth and breadth of Heaven's Divine design through the founding of Cap-de-la-Madeleine and the story of Our Lady of the Cape."
Oh my... what a beauty!
I have seen a lot of beautiful Sacramentals at the many Catholic Shrines I have been blessed to visit, but nothing can even come close to the Italian Ghirelli craftsmanship, beauty and quality of materials of this Confraternity Locket Rosary.
The uniqueness of the locket, Our Lady of Intercessors logo, the Crucifix, the precision carving on the Our Father beads, Our Lady of the Cape figure and the smooth tender touch of the mother of pearl Hail Mary beads are outstanding. It feels like the love of Our Blessed Mother comes through each bead. As well the enclosed Relic card with a piece of the blue blessed cloth which touched Our Lady of the Cape original Statue and many holy relics along with the blessed rose piece and the St. Michael cave stone is a one of a kind Sacramental. A Rosary like no other. I am so blessed to have received one. - Linda Robillard
The new rosary is soooo beautiful!!
Oh my! To hold it for real and pray on those most beautiful beads. What an amazing work of art so fitting for Our Lady of the Cape !!! So exquisite just like Our Lady ! - Michele
I received my order from you today and I must say that the Confraternity Rosary is stunning! - Dave in Ottawa
It's gorgeous and I may have to order more. - Lauraine
I absolutely love my Confraternity rosary. - Gail A
Every Official Confraternity Rosary purchased will include a free gift of a blessed rose petal, a fragment of St. Michael stone from Gargano, Italy; and a blue cloth blessed by Bishop Pierre-Olivier Tremblay that was touched to the miraculous statue of Our Lady of the Cape, the tombs of Fr. Luc Desilets and Fr. Paul Vachon and multiple holy relics, a white cloth soaked with miraculous spring water where Our Lady of La Salette sat weeping and the cloth also touched water from the shrines of Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Lourdes.
The blessed sacramental will be placed in the patented locket after purchase. The Official Confraternity Rosary is packaged with love and comes in a burlap drawstring heart pouch.
Each Official Confraternity Rosary will have Oil from the Lamps burning at the Holy Sepulchre in the Holy Land applied to it with prayer.
Genuine Mother of Pearl beads, a Trinity crucifix, patented centrepiece locket inscribed with Queen of Intercessors in latin, Our Lady of the Cape medal inscribed with Rosary Confraternity in latin, and four Our Father world globes inscribed with Fatima, Lourdes, Guadalupe, Rue de Bac - Paris, to represent these significant apparition sites of Our Blessed Mother.
THANK YOU! Purchasing the Official Confraternity Rosary supports the efforts of the Marian Devotional Movement to renew the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary throughout the world.
Why I Pray the Rosary With My Kids
This Couple Got Thousands To Pray The Rosary
The blessing of your Confraternity Rosary can be used with any priest. :0)
Click HERE for a PDF of the Prayer
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Please enrol each person separately. You may use the same email and mailing address but a separate order for each person is required for registration. Simply indicate their name in the "Shipping Address" box. Thank you.
NOTE: Only If your address is not recognized, simply switch to "Pick Up" and submit your information in the Billing Address section. It will be processed and your certificate will be emailed to you for download.
Questions: 1.888.501.1083
To Support the Marian Devotional Movement by becoming an MDM Pilgrim Partner Click "HERE" The MDM is a registered Charity with the CRA
The Rosary Confraternity Movie (Bridge of Roses)
Each member strives to pray the mysteries of the Rosary meaning the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries; the Luminous Mysteries is not included as an obligation but is certainly encouraged, each week (this does not bind under sin), and must have his/her name inscribed in the register of the Confraternity. There are no meetings, no dues.
You are about to enrol in one of the oldest Confraternities of the Most Holy Rosary. It was established in the New World in 1694 at Cap-de-la-Madeleine. You will be united in universal prayer with the multitude of souls who belong to the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary across the world. We encourage you to discover the riches of your Marian Heritage. To assist you, below are key milestones along the way.
More information call: 1.888.501.1083