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“This new Trinity (Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Michael the Archangel) must be blessed and glorified on earth as is the unity of the Three Divine Persons in Heaven; blessed is the nation, blessed is the country ... which will be inflamed with this devotion!" (Jesus to Venerable Philomena in 1867) - The year Canada became a nation.
"... that Pius IX would not leave Rome and that, finally, a great nation would enter the fold of the Catholic Church." (Jesus to Venerable Philomena in 1863)
Read the "Foreword"
Short Excerpt: Her First Eucharist
The servant of God herself, notwithstanding the insight from above, notwithstanding her experience of these divine wonders, admitted she was unable to express it. She simply declared that after receiving in her heart Jesus in the Eucharist, she felt flooded by a torrent of ineffable delight to the point of losing the use of her senses for more than 18 hours.
Her confessor, who knew the humility of the servant of God and her invincible reluctance to express the special favours from her Divine Spouse, did not hesitate to call this lapse by its real name: a celestial rapture; the servant of God later, forced through saintly obedience, admitted that she indeed had been raptured in spirit and favoured, during this rapture, with the grace of light, pressing and gentle, that determined, then and there, the complete offering of herself to Jesus through the Immaculate Mary.
She writes: “I felt a more than usual intimate sense of contemplation and I had a clear vision of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Holy Virgin Mary. At that moment, I got up from my bed and kneeled in front of an image of the Queen of heaven. Without words, I told her about the fire in my soul in this divine work that I cannot explain. Jesus then gave me a very clear and very noble manifestation of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and, at the same time, I understood the beauty of virginity and how the Holy Virgin is partial to it.
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Ask Our Lady of the Cape, Queen of Intercessors, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary for favours with your blessed roses. Download the Blessed Roses Prayer "HERE" Have your priest bless your roses and distribute petals to family and friends. Remember Blessed Roses are a sacramental and must be either used, buried or burned. Download Image without going through Checkout Procedure "HERE"
Free Blessed Rose Petal Flyer PDF HERE
Print out from the ANNALS (bilingual) Click HERE
Avery 22805 Blessed Roses sticker template HERE
Blessed stickers HERE
Blessed Roses French/English PDF HERE
I received the beautiful candle and blessed rose petal in today's mail. Thank you so much. I love the idea of having a priest bless roses and I will definitely have this done and will share the petals with our parishioners at Our Lady of Sorrows in Fort Nelson, BC.
Just to let you know that the Blessed Rose Petal you sent me worked wonders. In just over 24 hours of receiving it, a date for the Blessing of the Roses at Our Lady of Sorrows in Fort Nelson BC has been set for Dec 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
We had the Blessing of the Roses on Dec 8th. We had a nice crowd considering we are a small parish. About 20-25 people which was great! People took multiples of the roses petals and Our Lady of the Cape consecration prayer cards. We also provided little paper envelopes so the people could get their petals home safely in the cold weather. I took the remaining roses home and dried the petals between book pages. I like the smooth look it creates. I checked last week and they were not totally dry so I am sure they will dry by tomorrow and I will bring them to the parish for people to take this weekend in honour of Mary Mother of God Sunday. My plan is to bundle the roses, as you did, with a rose petal in a zip lock bag, prayer card and MDM sheet with the blessing prayer. I also bought little mesh bags to put each little bundle in.
What a wonderful experience! I won't hesitate to do it again!
Many blessings to you and Dennis. Thank you so much for all of your guidance on this.Warmest regards, Chris
Testimony from Sherry...
Please listen to One Man's Vow to understand the magnitude of the prodigies of the Blessing of the Roses. The audio begins near the aforementioned section.