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"Marian Consecration for Little Souls" is an exceptional gift for our times! It uses approved apparitions of Our Lady to teach the faith and lead souls to Jesus through Mary. Children, adults, and families will all be blessed by using this book. I can't recommend this book enough!"
Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC Author, Champions of the Rosary
"Marian Consecration for Little Souls" is an exceptional gift for our times! It uses approved apparitions of Our Lady to teach the faith and lead souls to Jesus through Mary. Children, adults, and families will all be blessed by using this book. I can't recommend this book enough!" Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC Author, Champions of the Rosary
“Awesome and brilliant for children and adults, alike. This book is definitely inspired by the Holy Spirit!” Robert. R Allard, Apostles of Divine Mercy Director
7 Important Benefits of Reading Aloud
- Develops stronger vocabulary. Children acquire language primarily through listening.
- Builds connections between the spoken and written word.
- Provides enjoyment.
- Increases attention span.
- Strengthens cognition.
- Provides a safe way of exploring strong emotions.
- Promotes bonding.
"Marian Consecration for Little Souls" is an exceptional gift for our times! It uses approved apparitions of Our Lady to teach the faith and lead souls to Jesus through Mary. Children, adults, and families will all be blessed by using this book. I can't recommend this book enough!" Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC Author, Champions of the Rosary
“Awesome and brilliant for children and adults, alike. This book is definitely inspired by the Holy Spirit!” Robert. R Allard, Apostles of Divine Mercy Director
7 Important Benefits of Reading Aloud
- Develops stronger vocabulary. Children acquire language primarily through listening.
- Builds connections between the spoken and written word.
- Provides enjoyment.
- Increases attention span.
- Strengthens cognition.
- Provides a safe way of exploring strong emotions.
- Promotes bonding.
Holy water is a sacramental that remits venial sin. Because of the blessing attached to it, Holy Church strongly urges its use upon her children, especially when dangers threaten, such as fire, storms, sickness and other calamities. Every Catholic home always should have in it a supply of holy water.
We do not take advantage of the benefits derived from holy water.
Let us cultivate its use.
Untold spiritual wealth is concentrated in a tiny drop of blessed water.
And we give it so little thought!
Do we realize now, as we shall know after death, the many benefits which may be derived from holy water, we would use it far more frequently, and with greater faith and reverence.
Holy water has its great power and efficacy from the prayers of the Church, which its Divine Founder always accepts with complacency.
Following are some of the petitions the priest makes to God when he blesses water.
"O God, ... grant that this creature of Thine (water) may be endowed with divine grace to drive away devils and to cast out diseases, that whatever in the houses or possessions of the faithful may be sprinkled by this water, may be freed from everything unclean, and delivered from what is hurtful... Let everything that threatens the safety or peace of the dwellers therein be banished by the sprinkling of this water; so that the health which they seek by calling upon Thy Holy Name may be guarded from all assault."