Image of the Bridge of Rosaries at Cape de la Madeleine constructed in 1924 to commemorate the 1879 Miraculous Bridge of Ice.
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TUESDAYS at 2:30 PM EST Prayer Power Hour - Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 6438 4990
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WEDNESDAYS at 7:00 PM ET - The MaryMartha Show and Heart to Heart with the Queen of Intercessors - CLICK HERE for more info and to register - (Women only please) - On hold until the fall!
FRIDAYS at 2:30 PM EST - Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Rosary with Fr. Lawrence Lew, OP, Promoter General of the Rosary - Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 6438 4990
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SUNDAYS at 2:30 PM EST - Rosary Confraternity Sunday - Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 6438 4990
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1. Living Novena to the Queen of Intercessors
Our Lady of the Cape, Queen of Intercessors, daughter of the Father, Mother of the Son, and spouse of the Holy Spirit, envelop our hearts with your Immaculate Heart; that your joys and sorrows be our joys and sorrows; that your prayers and supplications be our prayers and supplications. With trust and confidence do we unite our intercessions with yours seeking only the Divine Will of the Father. O Mary, Queen of Intercessors, our Mother in faith, intercede on our behalf for ... mention your intention ... pray for us that in all circumstances we would abandon ourselves to Divine Providence for the greater glory of God.
2. Archconfraternity Prayer
O Mary, we pray especially for the intentions of the members of the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Rosary. Help them wherever they may be; guide them, watch over them and make them strong in their trials and suffering. We are drawn together by a common bond of great charity for you and for each other; keep us faithful to your Son and to your Rosary till death.
Intercede for the souls in purgatory, especially for the members of the Rosary Confraternity who have died. May they rest in peace. We ask for the grace of final perseverance for ourselves and for our loved ones that we may all be reunited in heaven forever. Saint Dominic, pray for us. Amen.
3. St. Louis de Montfort Introductory Prayer
Oh, Blessed Virgin Mary, we offer you this Creed in order to honor the faith that you did have upon earth and to ask you to have us share in that same faith.
Oh Lord; we offer You this Our Father so as to adore You and to recognize You as the first cause and the last end of all things.
4. Recite the Rosary - Add the following Litany after the Fatima prayer for each decade.
- Our Lady of the Cape, Queen of Intercessors, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
- St. Joseph, Terror of Demons, protect us.
- St. Michael the Archangel, defend us.
- Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
Conclude with the Hail Holy Queen followed by the prayers below.
5. Prayer to St. Joseph
To you, O blessed Joseph, do we come in our tribulation, and having implored the help of your most holy Spouse, we confidently invoke your patronage also.
Through that charity which bound you to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God and through the paternal love with which you embraced the Child Jesus, we humbly beg you graciously to regard the inheritance which Jesus Christ has purchased by his Blood, and with your power and strength to aid us in our necessities.
O most watchful guardian of the Holy Family, defend the chosen children of Jesus Christ; O most loving father, ward off from us every contagion of error and corrupting influence; O our most mighty protector, be kind to us and from heaven assist us in our struggle with the power of darkness.
As once you rescued the Child Jesus from deadly peril, so now protect God's Holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity; shield, too, each one of us by your constant protection, so that, supported by your example and your aid, we may be able to live piously, to die in holiness, and to obtain eternal happiness in heaven. Amen.
6. Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. (Pope Leo XIII)
7. Marian Consecration Daily Prayer
Our Lady of the Cape, Queen of the Holy Rosary, Queen of Intercessors; we offer and give our prayers, sacrifices, good works, time, talent and treasure to your Immaculate Heart, to do with as you please, for the greater glory of God.
We thank God the Father, for choosing you to be our heavenly Mother. We thank God the Son, for giving you to us as He was dying for our sins and those of the whole world on the cross. We thank God the Holy Spirit, for the graces He gives us through you.
Help us, by your prayers, to be faithful to the vows of our Baptism. Help us, by your prayers, to accomplish all that God has planned for us in advance to do. Amen.
8. The Lady of All Nations
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, send now Your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, The Blessed Virgin Mary, be our Advocate. Amen.
9. Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sacred Heart of Jesus, pour out your benedictions upon the Holy Church, upon its priests, upon all its children; sustain the just, convert the sinners, assist the dying, deliver the souls in purgatory; extend over all hearts the sweet empire of your love. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Amen