“This new Trinity (Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Michael the Archangel) must be blessed and glorified on earth as is the unity of the Three Divine Persons in Heaven; blessed is the nation, blessed is the country ... which will be inflamed with this devotion!" (Jesus to Venerable Philomena in 1867) - The year Canada became a nation.
"... that Pius IX would not leave Rome and that, finally, a great nation would enter the fold of the Catholic Church." (Jesus to Venerable Philomena in 1863)
Read the "Foreword"
Short Excerpt: Her First Eucharist
The servant of God herself, notwithstanding the insight from above, notwithstanding her experience of these divine wonders, admitted she was unable to express it. She simply declared that after receiving in her heart Jesus in the Eucharist, she felt flooded by a torrent of ineffable delight to the point of losing the use of her senses for more than 18 hours.
Her confessor, who knew the humility of the servant of God and her invincible reluctance to express the special favours from her Divine Spouse, did not hesitate to call this lapse by its real name: a celestial rapture; the servant of God later, forced through saintly obedience, admitted that she indeed had been raptured in spirit and favoured, during this rapture, with the grace of light, pressing and gentle, that determined, then and there, the complete offering of herself to Jesus through the Immaculate Mary.
She writes: “I felt a more than usual intimate sense of contemplation and I had a clear vision of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Holy Virgin Mary. At that moment, I got up from my bed and kneeled in front of an image of the Queen of heaven. Without words, I told her about the fire in my soul in this divine work that I cannot explain. Jesus then gave me a very clear and very noble manifestation of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and, at the same time, I understood the beauty of virginity and how the Holy Virgin is partial to it.
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True Devotion to Mary as never experienced before!
Third image is page 11 from a personally read hard copy for illustrations purposes.
Father Lance Harlow, rector of St. Joseph Co-Cathedral and Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception parishes in Burlington has authored a definitive commentary on St. Louis de Montfort's True Devotion to Mary.
The Echo of God incorporates Fr. Frederick William Faber’s 19th Century translation of St. Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion. Father Faber remarks that the mystery of true devotion to Jesus through Mary continues to reveal itself even after repeated readings and much study of St. Louis’ work. He states in the preface to his 1862 translation that:
I have translated the whole treatise myself, and have taken great pains with it, and have been scrupulously faithful. At the same time, I would venture to warn the reader that one perusal will be very far from making him master of it. If I may dare to say so, there is a growing feeling of something inspired and supernatural about it, as we go on studying it; and with that we cannot help experiencing, after repeated readings of it, that its novelty never seems to wear off, nor its fullness to be diminished, nor the fresh fragrance and sensible fire of its unction ever to abate.
This book will probably never leave your nightstand or wherever you keep your most precious spiritual resources at hand!
Watch Worldwide Digital Release Video from November 27th, 2020 and receive an online Blessing from Father Lance Harlow around the 46:00 minute mark.
This larger Miraculous medal is great to have in your home, office, purse, car and to pray for others.
"Anyone who gives a medal, a holy picture or book to another person, has done no more than to inspire a thought for GOD...for many souls are saved in this way, many preserved from error and encouraged in goodness."
Witness to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, originally known as the medal of the Immaculate Conception. Can be worn or held while praying ... "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."
Below is a picture of a relic of St. Bernadette. Mary said to her at Lourdes, "I am the Immaculate Conception." St. Bernadette, pray for us.
The Saint of Calcutta knew the importance of having Mary as Our Mother. She would often pray with the sick while holding this medal as well as press it against the person who was sick showing the importance of acknowledging Mary as Mother. Mother Teresa often would ask the sick person, "Where does it hurt?" and then she would gently press the medal on that spot. "Let Our Lady kiss where it hurts," she would be heard to say.
The Miraculous Medal for St. Teresa of Calcutta was a medal of charity – a symbol of God’s love for all people, most especially the every now moment of our lives." Tom Perna
If you ever feel distressed during your day, call upon Our Lady. Just say this simple prayer, “Mary, mother of Jesus, please be a mother to me now.” I must admit, this prayer has never failed me. – Mother Teresa
Express Novena: Hold the Miraculous Medal for yourself or for others in need...asking for the intercession of St.Teresa of Calcutta...
Say ten times, nine for a petition and one for thanksgiving...
The Memorare Prayer
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help , or sought your intercession was left unaided, Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto you, Oh Virgin of Virgins, my mother; to you do I come, before I stand , sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in your clemency hear and answer me. Amen
What a surprise! Your package arrived and I got it as I was leaving for Mass.
our Blessed Mother didn’t waste a minute! After Mass, I was introduced to a lovely family we had been praying for, especially for Ethan who was very seriously ill. I asked the priest if he would go and bless him. Then as I was speaking to someone else, I sensed a prompting to open the box to see if the Miraculous Medal was there. So I took it and went back to Ethan and his sister and mother who all held it and prayed as also prayed for Our Lady’s intercession for Ethan’s total healing.
They drove in for the Mass being celebrated for their deceased relative and heading back to Ontario tomorrow. What a blessing for me too.
So it arrived at just the right moment. I will let you know if he is totally healed.
God bless you!! And Our Lady of the Cape blanket is so absolutely beautiful!!!Sandra
NOTE: For the initial 3 beads not associated with the Chaplet of St. Joseph, you may consider praying the Three Hail Marys devotion or simply recite three Hail Marys.
The Feasts of St. Joseph:
The primary feast of St. Joseph is March 19 because it is believed that his death occurred on that date.
This feast was fixed in the 15th century and was extended to the whole Church by Pope Gregory XV in 1621.
On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, 1870, Pope Pius IX ordered that St. Joseph's feast day was to be a double of the first class.
Holy Mother Church dedicates the entire month of March to St. Joseph, as well as the First Wednesdays.
May 1 was established as the Feast of St. Joseph the Workman by Pope Pius XII in 1955, chosen to coincide with Labor days in many nations.
In addition there were two other feasts no longer on the official calendar.
The Eight Promises of St. Joseph
1. God will grant special graces to those that do not know me, to have a great devotion to me.
2. God will bless all who are married and the blessing in their family
will be without limit.
3. Those married and without children will be blessed with offspring.
4. God will give special graces to be delivered from temptations
and the attacks of the devil.
5. They shall have a good and happy death.
6. They shall overcome their trials and tribulations.
7. God shall grant them immediate help
when they invoke my intercession,
for the demons have extreme
dread of the invocation of my name.
8. For all those who embrace a St. Joseph cenacle, they shall obtain a more fervent love for Jesus and a
true devotion to Most Holy Mary.
St. Francis de Sales made St. Joseph the special Patron of the religious order he founded, the Order of the Visitation. In addition to naming at least one of his parishes in his honor, he set Joseph as the model of the interior life and contemplative prayer for his own spiritual daughters–and in particular for the novices, who were to look upon St. Joseph as their novice “master” and guide (A Manual of Practical Devotion to the Glorious Patriarch St. Joseph, translated by Fr. Patrignani, p. 78).
Image of his relic below that you can ask his intercession for you.