Pilgrim Statue Tour Rosary Confraternity Opportunity

Every Pilgrim Statue Tour event is an opportunity for the host site to enrol members of their community in the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary and place a Group Candle on the Bridge of Rosaries World Map.

Instructions for event organizers

  1. Assign two volunteers to be present at the enrollment table.

  2. Download and make copies of the enrollment form for your tour event. DOWNLOAD ENROLLMENT FORM HERENote: If the new member does not have an email address, please use info@themdm.org.

  3. Click HERE to provide a copy of a Confraternity Certificate for new members with no email address. *HERE for French, HERE for Spanish, HERE for Children

  4. For Adults, submit the names individually at RosaryBridge.com. For Children, submit the names at FrGandBB.com.

By following the instructions at RosaryBridge.com place your Group Candle on the Bridge of Rosaries World Map.

Image captured from the Bridge of Rosaries World Map

Additional Resources 


Please leverage the Bridge of Roses movie to promote greater enrollment in the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Rosary. Learn more at: Movie Missionary Site