Good afternoon Angelina. Something miraculous happened to me earlier this afternoon with the Saint Stream... I had it on while working on a God Our Father Chaplet... I tend to get badly spiritually attacked whenever I make rosaries and chaplets. This time was different... I had such peace and my mind was clear. When I realized this I wondered why that was, and then I clued in: the Saints were interceding and protecting me!!! Also, a decade of this chaplet (or "octave ") normally takes me around 25 minutes to make... today I shaved 10 mins off!!! I made three Octaves to confirm and it was consistent each time! I had lots of helpers today!! Incredible! Praise be to God!! Thank you Holy Saints!!
Béni sois-tu, Seigneur, jusqu'aux extrémités de la terre.
Joie, frissons, paix intérieure, amour inconditionnel... tous ces sentiments m'envahissaient à quelques secondes d'intervalle. Je ne les avais jamais ressentis en même temps. Et pourtant, il fallait que je mette les pieds dans la boutique MDM du Cap de la Madeleine pour les ressentir. Que dire lorsque je me suis retrouvée dans la pièce que j'ai appelée "Ma cour céleste" ? Je ne crois pas qu'il y ait de mot pour le dire. C'était à la fois réel et irréel pour moi. Mais j'ai été fortifiée dans le mystère du ciel, dans une réalité originelle : Dieu m'aime tellement qu'il a mis à ma disposition une plénitude d'anges, de saints... pour qu'ils m'accompagnent dans ma vie quotidienne.
Béni sois-tu Seigneur dans toute l'œuvre de la création.
Sabine, une pécheresse amoureuse de la connaissance de Dieu!
Blessed are you, Lord, to the ends of the earth.
Joy, shivers, inner peace, unconditional love... all these feelings came over me within seconds of each other. I had never felt them at the same time. And yet, I had to set foot in the MDM boutique in Cap de la Madeleine to feel them. What can I say when I found myself in the room I called "My heavenly courtyard"? I don't think there are words to describe it. It was both real and unreal for me. But I was strengthened in the mystery of heaven, in an original reality: God loves me so much that he has placed at my disposal a fullness of Angels, Saints... to accompany me in my daily life.
Blessed are you Lord in all the work of creation.
Sabine, a sinner in love with the knowledge of God!
Visiting the reliquary room was a divine experience, a piece of heaven on earth. We felt the life of God "His Breath" breathing through the Saints relics.
Thank you for this heavenly experience.
Blessings Sophia
My friend Francine and I just spent two wonderful days at Cape de la Madeleine. The grounds are magnificent!!  I find it such a necessity to spend time with our Lady, away from commotion  and confusion in our society.  We need to reconnect with our Heavenly Mother, spend time in silence and pray the Rosary.  We need to be recharged and what best way, not only in the sanctuary and the Basilica, but at the Regina Centre and sit quietly with more than forty relics and pray with all these Saints in front of our Lady of the Cape. It is quite a spiritual experience.  I was soooo impressed with Regina and had a wonderful chat with Angelina and Dennis, founder of the Marian Devotional Movement and the Regina Centre.  I learned so much about our Lady. What a beautiful centre !!!.  I am so happy, after Francine’s visit at the Cape and spending time at the Regina Centre with the relics and with Angelina and Dennis, she wants to commit in reciting the Rosary and taking part in the Confraternity.
 I feel that I have been away for a month, I am  just at peace.  I have difficulty expressing my feelings, all I can say is that I highly recommend this pilgrimage and I want to do this once per year. 
The “Auberge Lavéranda “ is an excellent Inn if wondering where you can stay and only a three minute walk to the Shrine and Regina Centre.
-Cécile Beaudoin
Thank you again for this afternoons generous friendly encounter at Reginas, filled with your prayerful intention to place me before our glorious Gods loving presence and prayer.  Bless you.

With the time I can find I always try to pray one Saint Michaels chaplet once a week before the Sunday mass.  We know that, to a daily devotion, Saint Michael promises a cohort of angels chosen from the nine choirs to assist us at Holy mass!  Not a small thing.

Just to say you have me praying for the suggestion of this idea of a travelling Saint Michael.  I do not know how I might fit in this but as you have said Dennis, God has set his eye to providence and wills things with his all mighty wisdom much before we can even start to imagine how things work.  I admire your charisma, Angelina and Dennis, in your work for the Lord.   My encounter with you has been a converting experience ever since I have discovered your ministry and again in meeting you this afternoon.  Thank you so much for your deep faith.  It rubs off 
I didn't have time to tell you this afternoon, but I have been since awhile (a few years) now dedicating at least one bead from my daily rosary to your intentions and work to our Lady's shrine.  I feel what your doing is important.

God bless you.  And may our heaven's Queen of angels spread the grace from her flaming heart of love, to all your prayers.  And delivered to you by Saint Michael!  
Very sympathetically yours, Michael H.
We visited the Regina's, venerated and prayed in front of the National Pilgrim Statue and 1st class relics which were breathtaking. 

Artimizia Tellis President CWL- St. Aidan Council


What a blessing for the faithful to have access to Our Lady of the Cape with some of her children! On any given day, I like to "tune in" to MDM TV,  pray to Jesus through Mary,  and allow the Holy Spirit to lead me to whatever saint's prayers I need at that time. Such a gift!  Kirsten