Notre-Dame-Du-Cap 2020 Holy Family Pilgrimage Experience & Rosary Bowl

July 31st - August 2nd, 2020
Friday, July 31st, 2020
Travel day to the Cape with a stop at St. Joseph's Oratory for participating pilgrims.
7:00 PM Confessions in the "Petit Sanctuaire"
7:30 PM Holy Rosary at the Confraternity Altar in the "Petit Sanctuaire"
8:00 PM Holy Mass in the "Petit Sanctuaire"
8:45 PM Candlelight Procession - $3 per candle available in the info booth
Saturday, August 1st, 2020
9:00 AM Holy Mass in the "Petit Sanctuaire"
10:30 AM Rosary Making - Basilica Basement HUB
11:00 AM The DnA Live Show from the Shrine - Basilica Basement HUB
2:00 PM Holy Family Pilgrimage Signature Event - More details to follow

4:30 PM Holy Mass at the "Petit Sanctuaire"
7:30 PM Details coming soon!
9:00 PM Our Lady of the Rosary Shrine 300th Anniversary Celebration Meet & Greet in the Basilica Basement
Sunday, August 2nd, 2020
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré - More details to follow

If you making your own way to the Cape a limited number of rooms are available at the Hotel Maison de la Madone located across the street from the Shrine – call 819.375.4997.

A Second option is La Veranda located a couple of blocks from the Shrine. Speak to Claire and mention you are with the Marian Devotional Group - Call 819.376.3133
Cape Camping Option - Click “Here”