Archdiocese of Regina Pilgrim Statue Tour

May 12th - Esterhazy

  • 1:00 Welcome the statue and Blessing of roses.
  • 1:30 Rosary
  • 2:00 Solemn Act of Consecration to The Immaculate Heart of Mary
          Time for private devotion
          Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary
          Act of Consecration
          Closing hymn
  • 2:45 Refreshments and movie "Bridge of Roses"
  • 4:00 Statue leaves for Regina

May 13th - Regina

  • Morning
                * Our Lady visits 3 schools

  • Afternoon (Cathedral Open all afternoon for prayer)

            * 1:00 - Movie viewing in hall

            * 2:00 – Procession around outside of church
            * 2:30 – Liturgy

             * 3:00 – Rosary and Chaplet
            * 3:30 – Private Prayer

* 4:30 – Rosary
* 5:00 – Supper break

  • Evening

             * 6:30 - Mass

            * 7:30 - Living Rosary inside of Cathedral

            *  8:00 – Blessing of Roses, Consecration, Info about Confraternity of Rosary

            *  8:15 – Adoration

            * 9:15 – Movie in parking lot (or in Hall if too cold out)

            * 10:30 – Benediction and Closing

May 14th - Swift Current

                        * 10:00 - Statue arrives
                        * 11:00 - Votive Mass honouring Our Lady of the Cape
                         * 12:00 - Lunch for all who attend the Votive Mass
                          * 1:00 - Pray the Crown Rosary 
                        * 2:00 - Watch the movie "Bridge of Roses"
                        * 3:00 - Time for private devotion to Mary
                        * 5:00 - Sunday Mass with the statue
                         * 6:00 - Time for private devotion to Mary  
                        * 9:00 - Our Lady of the Cape leaves for Saskatoon