The Secret of the Rosary - Thirty-ninth Rose

Thirty-ninth Rose - Parish Transformed

A DANISH PRIEST used to love to tell how the very same
improvement that the Spanish Bishop noticed in his diocese
had occurred in his own parish. He always told his story
with great rejoicing of soul because it gave such glory to
Almighty God. He said:
"I had preached as compellingly as I could, touching on
many aspects of our Holy Faith, and using every argument I
could possibly think of to get the people to amend their way
of life. But in spite of all my efforts they went unconcernedly
about their way as before; and it was then that I decided to
preach the Holy Rosary.
"I told my congregations how precious it is and I taught
them how to say it. I kept on preaching the Holy Rosary and
the devotion took root in the parish. Six months later I was
overjoyed to see that people had really changed for the
better. How true it is that this God-given prayer has Divine
power----the power to touch our hearts and to fill them with
horror of sin and the love of virtue!"
One day Our Lady said to Blessed Alan: "Just as Almighty
God chose the Angelic Salutation to bring about the
Incarnation of His Word and the Redemption of mankind, in
the same way those who want to bring about moral reforms
and who want people reborn in Jesus Christ must honor me
and greet me with the same salutation. I am the channel by
which God came to men, and so, next to my Son Jesus
Christ, it is through me that men must obtain grace and
I, who write this, have learned from my own experience that
the Rosary has the power to convert even the most hardened
hearts. I have known people who have gone to missions and
who have heard sermons on the most terrifying subjects
without being in the least moved; and yet, after they had, on
my advice, started to say the Rosary every day they
eventually became converted and gave themselves
completely to God. When I have gone back again to visit
parishes where I have given missions I have seen a
tremendous difference in them; in those parishes where
people had given up the Rosary they had generally fallen
back into their sinful ways again, whereas in places where
the Rosary was said faithfully I found the people were
persevering in the grace of God and were advancing each
day in virtue.

The Canada54 National Novena includes a daily reading from the Secret of the Rosary.

There are exactly 54 readings. 
  • A white rose for priests;
  • A red rose for sinners;
  • A mystical rose tree for devout souls;
  • A rosebud for little children;
  • Plus 50 roses representing each Hail Mary recited during 5 decades of the Rosary  - Le Secret du Rosaire - ICI

To purchase a hard copy of this defining work by St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, please visit

CANADA - Sunrise Marian HERE

USA - Montfort Publications HERE 

Read the not-for-profit public domain PDF version HERE

Do you pray the Rosary? For the most powerful way to pray, click HERE

Do your children pray the Rosary? Click HERE

Visiting Our Lady of the Cape on Pilgrimage? What you need to know HERE

A priest discovers a pig chewing on a Rosary. What he does next transforms his dying parish into a National Shrine!