The Secret of the Rosary - Twenty-seventh Rose
Twenty-seventh Rose - Benefits
I SHOULD LIKE to give you even more reason for
embracing this devotion which so many great souls have
practised; the Rosary recited with meditation on the
mysteries brings about the following marvelous results:
1. it gradually gives us a perfect knowledge of Jesus Christ;
2. it purifies our souls, washing away sin;
3. it gives us victory over all our enemies;
4. it makes it easy for us to practise virtue;
5. it sets us on fire with love of Our Blessed Lord;
6. it enriches us with graces and merits;
7. it supplies us with what is needed to pay all our debts to
God and to our fellow men, and finally, it obtains all kinds
of graces for us from Almighty God.
The knowledge of Jesus Christ is the science of Christians
and the science of salvation; Saint Paul says that it surpasses
all human sciences in value and perfection. (Cf. Phil. 3:8)
This is true:
1. because of the dignity of its object, which is a God-man
compared to Whom the whole universe is but a drop of dew
or a grain of sand;
2. because of its helpfulness to us; human sciences, on the
other hand, but fill us with the smoke and emptiness of
3. and finally, because of its utter necessity: for no one can
possibly be saved without the knowledge of Jesus Christ----
and yet a man who knows absolutely nothing of any of the
other sciences will be saved as long as he is illumined by the
science of Jesus Christ.
Blessed is the Rosary which gives us this science and
knowledge of our Blessed Lord through our meditations on
His life, death, passion and glory.
The Queen of Saba, lost in admiration at Solomon's wisdom
cried out: "Blessed are thy men and blessed are thy servants
who stand before thee always, and hear thy wisdom." (3
Kings 10:8) But far happier still are the faithful who carefully
meditate on the life, virtues, suffering and glory of Our
Savior, because by this means they can gain the perfect
knowledge in which eternal life consists. "This is eternal
life." (John 17:3)
Our Lady revealed to Blessed Alan that no sooner had Saint
Dominic begun preaching the Rosary than hardened sinners
were touched and wept bitterly over their grievous sins.
Young children performed incredible penances and
everywhere that he preached the Holy Rosary such fervor
arose that sinners changed their lives and edified everyone
by their penances and change of heart.
If by chance your conscience is burdened with sin, take your
Rosary and say at least part of it, honoring some of the
Mysteries of the life, passion or glory of Our Lord Jesus
Christ, and be sure that, while you are meditating upon
these Mysteries and honoring them He will show His sacred
wounds to His Father in Heaven. He will plead for you and
will obtain for you contrition and the forgiveness of your
One day Our Lord said to Blessed Alan: "If only these poor
wretched sinners would say My Rosary, they would share in
the merits of My passion and I would be their Advocate and
would appease My Father's Justice."
This life is nothing but warfare and a series of temptations;
we do not have to contend with enemies of flesh and blood
but with the very powers of Hell. What better weapons
could we possibly use to combat them than the Prayer which
our great Captain taught us, and the Angelic Salutation
which has chased away devils, destroyed sin and renewed
the world? What better weapon could we use than
meditation on the life and passion of Our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ? For, as Saint Peter says, it is with this thought
we must arm ourselves in order to defend ourselves against
the very same enemies which he conquered and which
molest us every day." (Cf. 1 Pet. 4:1)
"Ever since the devil was crushed by the humility and
passion of Jesus Christ he has been very nearly unable to
attack a soul that is armed with meditation on the mysteries
of Our Lord's life, and, if he does trouble such a soul, he is
sure to be shamefully defeated." (Cardinal Hughes.)
"Put you on the armor of God." (Eph. 6:11) So arm
yourselves with the arms of God----with the Holy Rosary----
and you will crush the devil's head and you will stand firm
in the face of all his temptations. This is why even the
material rosary itself is such a terrible thing for the devil,
and why the Saints have used it to enchain devils and to
chase them out of the bodies of people who were possessed.
Such happenings are reported in more than one authentic
Blessed Alan said that a man he knew of had desperately
tried all kinds of devotions to rid himself of the evil spirit
who possessed him, but without success. Finally he thought
of wearing his Rosary around his neck, which eased him
considerably. He discovered that whenever he took it off the
devil tormented him cruelly, so he resolved to wear it night
and day. This drove the evil spirit away forever, because he
could not bear such a terrible chain. Blessed Alan also
testified that he had delivered a large number of people who
were possessed by putting the Rosary around their necks.
Father Jean Amat, of the Order of St. Dominic, was giving a
series of Lenten sermons in the Kingdom of Aragon one
year, when a young girl was brought to him who was
possessed by the devil. After he had exorcised her several
times without success he put his rosary around her neck.
Hardly had he done so than the girl began to scream and
yell in a fearful way, shrieking: "Take them off! Take them
off! These beads are torturing me!" At last the Father, filled
with pity for the girl, took his rosary off her.
The very next night when Father Amat was in bed, the same
devils who had possession of the girl came to him foaming
with rage and tried to seize him. But he had his rosary
clasped in his hand and no efforts of theirs could wrench it
from him. He managed to beat them with it very well indeed
and chased them away, crying out: "Holy Mary, Our Lady of
the Holy Rosary, come to my help!"
The next day when he went to the Church he met the poor
girl----still possessed----and one of the devils within her
started to laugh and said in a mocking voice: "Well, Brother,
if you had been without your rosary, we should have made
short shrift of you!" Then the good Father threw his rosary
around the girl's neck without more ado and said: "By the
sacred name of Jesus and that of Mary His Holy Mother, and
by the power of the Most Holy Rosary I command you, evil
spirits, to leave the body of this girl," and they were
immediately forced to obey and she was delivered from
These stories show the power of the Holy Rosary in
overcoming all possible temptations that evil spirits may
bring----and also all kinds of sin----because these blessed
beads put devils to rout.
The Canada54 National Novena includes a daily reading from the Secret of the Rosary.
There are exactly 54 readings.- A white rose for priests;
- A red rose for sinners;
- A mystical rose tree for devout souls;
- A rosebud for little children;
- Plus 50 roses representing each Hail Mary recited during 5 decades of the Rosary - Le Secret du Rosaire - ICI
To purchase a hard copy of this defining work by St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, please visit
CANADA - Sunrise Marian HERE
USA - Montfort Publications HERE
Read the not-for-profit public domain PDF version HERE
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