Handing out the Marian Consecration Daily Prayer card is a simple way to encourage consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The daily prayer, based on St. Louis de Montfort's Trinitarian approach to Marian Consecration, was composed to recognize the following:
We desire to place "all" in Mary's hands for the greater Glory of God.
We acknowledge and are thankful for the redemption that comes to us through her Son, Jesus Christ.
We acknowledge that God the Holy Spirit disperses grace through Mary.
We ask for Mary's intercession to help us fulfill the vows of our baptism.
We ask for Mary's intercession to help us fulfill God's plan for our lives.
1.888.501.1083 to order Marian Devotional Daily Prayer Cards in bulk.
The third image is not part of the card but rather gives a description of the incalculable consecrations generated by Our Lady of the Cape's journey to the historic 1947 Marian Congress.