Are you called to be an "Apostle of Mary," as St. Louis de Montfort puts it?
If your answer is yes or you are not sure what that means or how it fits into loving God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, then understanding how to live a "True Devotion Lifestyle" is important.
The eCalendar guides you step by step through St. Louis de Montfort's True Devotion to Mary with commentary by Fr. Lance Harlow as found in the Echo of God.
Experience a deeper relationship with your Mother in faith and consequently her Son; for all devotion to Mary is properly ordered towards an increased love and devotion for the Most Holy Trinity.
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On November 27th, 2020, the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, the MDM and Fr. Lance Harlow with the Intercessor Family launched and released the eBook version of The Echo of God. The physical perpetual calendars immediately sold out and so the MDM is making available a digital version. View the video below to view the launch event and learn more about The Echo of God. Fr. Harlow incorporates into his life the True Devotion Perpetual Calendar since it's release in 2009.
Father Lance Harlow, rector of St. Joseph Co-Cathedral and Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception parishes in Burlington has authored a definitive commentary on St. Louis de Montfort's True Devotion to Mary.
The Echo of God incorporates Fr. Frederick William Faber’s 19th Century translation of St. Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion. Father Faber remarks that the mystery of true devotion to Jesus through Mary continues to reveal itself even after repeated readings and much study of St. Louis’ work. He states in the preface to his 1862 translation that:
I have translated the whole treatise myself, and have taken great pains with it, and have been scrupulously faithful. At the same time, I would venture to warn the reader that one perusal will be very far from making him master of it. If I may dare to say so, there is a growing feeling of something inspired and supernatural about it, as we go on studying it; and with that we cannot help experiencing, after repeated readings of it, that its novelty never seems to wear off, nor its fullness to be diminished, nor the fresh fragrance and sensible fire of its unction ever to abate.
This book will probably never leave your nightstand or wherever you keep your most precious spiritual resources at hand!
Watch Worldwide Digital Release Video from November 27th, 2020
True Devotion to Mary as never experienced before!
Third image is page 11 from a personally read hard copy for illustrations purposes.
Father Lance Harlow, rector of St. Joseph Co-Cathedral and Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception parishes in Burlington has authored a definitive commentary on St. Louis de Montfort's True Devotion to Mary.
The Echo of God incorporates Fr. Frederick William Faber’s 19th Century translation of St. Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion. Father Faber remarks that the mystery of true devotion to Jesus through Mary continues to reveal itself even after repeated readings and much study of St. Louis’ work. He states in the preface to his 1862 translation that:
I have translated the whole treatise myself, and have taken great pains with it, and have been scrupulously faithful. At the same time, I would venture to warn the reader that one perusal will be very far from making him master of it. If I may dare to say so, there is a growing feeling of something inspired and supernatural about it, as we go on studying it; and with that we cannot help experiencing, after repeated readings of it, that its novelty never seems to wear off, nor its fullness to be diminished, nor the fresh fragrance and sensible fire of its unction ever to abate.
This book will probably never leave your nightstand or wherever you keep your most precious spiritual resources at hand!
Watch Worldwide Digital Release Video from November 27th, 2020
“This new Trinity (Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Michael the Archangel) must be blessed and glorified on earth as is the unity of the Three Divine Persons in Heaven; blessed is the nation, blessed is the country ... which will be inflamed with this devotion!" (Jesus to Venerable Philomena in 1867) - The year Canada became a nation.
"... that Pius IX would not leave Rome and that, finally, a great nation would enter the fold of the Catholic Church." (Jesus to Venerable Philomena in 1863)
Read the "Foreword"
Short Excerpt: Her First Eucharist
The servant of God herself, notwithstanding the insight from above, notwithstanding her experience of these divine wonders, admitted she was unable to express it. She simply declared that after receiving in her heart Jesus in the Eucharist, she felt flooded by a torrent of ineffable delight to the point of losing the use of her senses for more than 18 hours.
Her confessor, who knew the humility of the servant of God and her invincible reluctance to express the special favours from her Divine Spouse, did not hesitate to call this lapse by its real name: a celestial rapture; the servant of God later, forced through saintly obedience, admitted that she indeed had been raptured in spirit and favoured, during this rapture, with the grace of light, pressing and gentle, that determined, then and there, the complete offering of herself to Jesus through the Immaculate Mary.
She writes: “I felt a more than usual intimate sense of contemplation and I had a clear vision of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Holy Virgin Mary. At that moment, I got up from my bed and kneeled in front of an image of the Queen of heaven. Without words, I told her about the fire in my soul in this divine work that I cannot explain. Jesus then gave me a very clear and very noble manifestation of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and, at the same time, I understood the beauty of virginity and how the Holy Virgin is partial to it.
Did you know?
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A Timeless Marian Treasure Compiled By Sr. Manetta Lamberty, S.C.C.
Deepen your devotion for the Empress of the Universe!
This universal Mother has long been in orbit, circling the globe, answering urgent calls with radar swiftness and enriching every hamlet, every village, every country of each succeeding century. Tradition, as recorded in this tribute to the Mother of God, has left us a Mary-message for each of the three hundred and sixty-five days of the year. Devotees of Mary will find in this unpretentious volume a wealth of inspiration to rocket their thoughts into space, straight to the heart of their Queen, the Woman in Orbit.
Sister M. Virginia Seabert, S.C.C.
Woman in Orbit consists of 421 pages including two bonus additions - Your Mother, Your Queen, a Love Letter featuring selected quotes from various approved Marian apparitions and Mary, the Power of Her Name by St. Alphonso Liguouri.
“This new Trinity (Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Michael the Archangel) must be blessed and glorified on earth as is the unity of the Three Divine Persons in Heaven; blessed is the nation, blessed is the country and the monastery which will be inflamed with this devotion!"
Download Venerable Philomena FREE eBook "HERE"
New Listing: 37" Statue of St. Michael. Please call 1-888-501-1083 for details. Polyresin.
Blog post from an MDMer on St. Michael HERE