One Wealthy Benefactor

Back Story:

As I was planning the Washington, D.C. segment of the To Rome with Love Pilgrim Statue Tour I discovered that the Oblate's site near the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception had been put on the market.

I shared with Angelina that if I was a billionaire I would buy it tomorrow! In light of the movement to promote "Bishops, Confraternities, Shrines and the New Evangelization" the opportunity to leverage physical sites as beacons of hope for the conversion and sanctification of souls is profound.

Christmas morning, 2024 brought about a daring thought to implicitly ask Our Lady's intercession for one wealthy legacy benefactor to join in the rippling initiatives, including, "Apparition Evangelization," emerging in the wake of the "Road to the Great 2033 Jubilee."

This past year, it was incredibly edifying to read the story of the benefactors that stepped up to fund the Augustine's Institute purchase of the Boeing Campus near St. Louis. I remember being overjoyed by hearing about this story - what a leap of faith! What an opportunity for the Church to expand its efforts through this physical location!

So ... In faith I am reaching out to whoever is led to read this ... with faith asking and believing that someone has been prepared and chosen to accompany us, led by Our Lady, to accomplish all that she has systematically and harmoniously put into motion.

You are invited to view the 2033: Hope, meaning and purpose talk delivered at the Shrine of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to kick off the USA leg of the To Rome with Love Pilgrim Statue Tour. 
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