Papal Visit Procession Program & Helpful Information
For Diocesan Organizers
This is an image of the Our Lady of the Cape Pilgrim Statue, Ark and Angels to be processed from the Cape to Edmonton.
Dimensions: To be confirmed
- Before arrival please have a suitable location chosen for simple installation.
- The Marian Devotional Movement will strive to arrive between 3 PM and 4 PM at each Papal Visit Procession location.
- It is important to have 4 volunteers to help with the load in, installation, and load out of the Statue, Ark and Angels.
- Host site to provide enough roses to blessed in order for petals to be distributed to pilgrims.
- The Marian Devotional Movement will provide the Marian Consecration Papal Visit Procession Prayer Card.
- Please provide one table in the Narthex for the Marian Devotional Movement.
Helpful Information:
It is our hope that each event will be live streamed with a link provided to the Marian Devotional Movement at: for distribution.
The Rosary is led by local volunteers. Please include in the following introductory intentions:
This Holy Rosary is being offered for all of the intentions of the members of the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary, living and deceased, for our Holy Father's visit to Canada, and for healing and reconciliation between all peoples who dwell in this blessed land.
Prior to Holy Mass, Dennis and Angelina Girard (custodians of the Pilgrim Statue and Directors of the Marian Devotional Movement) will share a few words of welcome and provide context for the Papal Visit Procession.
- The Holy Mass provides the opportunity for the local ordinary to speak to the blessings brought about by the Holy Father's Papal visit and the desire for Our Lady of the Cape, Queen of Canada to draw all Canadians to her Son's message of healing and reconciliation.
- The Blessing of Roses is one of the most enduring aspects of the Our Lady of the Cape Pilgrim Statue visit. As a sacramental, it affords pilgrims the opportunity to participate in the signal graces that accompany this Rosary Confraternity practice. Click HERE to download and print the Blessing of Roses Prayer.
- The Marian Consecration Prayer, led by the local ordinary, takes place immediately after the Blessing of Roses.
- Following the prayer, pilgrims are invited to come and receive a blessed rose petal, venerate Our Lady of the Cape and place their intentions in the intention box to be brought to the Papal Holy Mass in Edmonton.
- The reception begins simultaneously - some pilgrims will go to the reception first and return to Our Lady of the Cape when there are less people; some will gladly wait in line until their turn and then proceed to the reception.
- At the conclusion of the Papal Visit Procession event, it is important that volunteers are provided for the load-out of the Our Lady of the Cape Pilgrim Statue, Ark and Angels.
- It is hoped a collection for the Papal Visit Procession can taken during Holy Mass to help with the multi-city, multi-provincial procession. etransfers can be made to or cheques mailed to: Marian Devotional Movement (registered charity with CRA) 99 First Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 2G3
The Papal Visit Pilgrim Statue Procession from Canada's National Marian Shrine in Cap-de-la-Madeleine, QC to Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton can be likened to An Olympic Torch passing through cities — with Our Lady of the Cape bringing Christ's message of healing and reconciliation to everyone on route. She will gather pilgrim's petitions from Cathedrals and churches along the way to rise up as incense at the Papal Holy Mass.

*photo from the 1948 Annals from the Cape showing the day the Bishop of Trois Rivieres blessed the Our Lady of the Cape Pilgrim Statue in advance of the procession to the historic 1947 Marian Congress in Ottawa where the Dominion of Canada was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Contact Dennis Girard directly with questions you may have at:
613 883 9118 or
Printable Version of the above HERE