The Secret of the Rosary - Seventeenth Rose

Seventeenth Rose - The Hail Mary – Fruits

BLESSED ALAN DE LA ROCHE who was so deeply
devoted to the Blessed Virgin had many revelations from her
and we know that he confirmed the truth of these
revelations by a solemn oath. Three of them stand out with
special emphasis: the first, that if people fail to say the Hail
Mary (the Angelic Salutation which has saved the world) out
of carelessness, or because they are lukewarm, or because
they hate it, this is a sign that they will probably and indeed
shortly be condemned to eternal punishment.
The second truth is that those who love this Divine
salutation bear the very special stamp of predestination.
The third is that those to whom God has given the signal
grace of loving Our Lady and of serving her out of love must
take very great care to continue to love and serve her until
the time when she shall have had them placed in heaven by
her divine Son in the degree of glory which they have
earned. (Blessed Alan, chapter XI, paragraph 2)
The heretics, all of whom are children of the devil and
clearly bear the sign of God's reprobation, have a horror of
the Hail Mary. They still say the Our Father but never the
Hail Mary; they would rather wear a poisonous snake
around their necks than wear a scapular or carry a rosary.
Among Catholics those who bear the mark of God's
reprobation think but little of the rosary (whether that of five
decades of fifteen). They either fail to say it or only say it
very quickly and in a lukewarm manner.
Even if I did not believe that which has been revealed to
Blessed Alan de la Roche, even then my own experience
would be enough to convince me of this terrible but
consoling truth. I do not know, nor do I see clearly, how it
can be that a devotion which seems to be so small can be the
infallible sign of eternal salvation and how its absence can be
the sign of God's eternal displeasure; nevertheless, nothing
could possibly be more true.
In our own day we see that people who hold new doctrines
that have been condemned by Holy Mother Church may
have quite a bit of surface piety, but they scorn the Rosary,
and often dissuade their acquaintances from saying it, by
destroying their love of it and their faith in it. In doing this
they make elaborate excuses which are plausible in the eyes
of the world. They are very careful not to condemn the
Rosary and the Scapular as the Calvinists do----but the way
they set about attacking them is all the more deadly because
it is the more cunning. I shall refer to it again later on.
My Hail Mary, my Rosary of fifteen or of five decades, is the
prayer and the infallible touchstone by which I can tell those
who are led by the Spirit of God from those who are
deceived by the devil. I have known souls who seemed to
soar like eagles to the heights by their sublime
contemplation and who yet were pitifully led astray by the
devil. I only found out how wrong they were when I learned
that they scorned the Hail Mary and the Rosary which they
considered as being far beneath them.
The Hail Mary is a blessed dew that falls from Heaven upon
the souls of the predestinate. It gives them a marvelous
spiritual fertility so that they can grow in all virtues. The
more the garden of the soul is watered by this prayer the
more enlightened one's intellect becomes, the more zealous
his heart, and the stronger his armor against his spiritual
The Hail Mary is a sharp and flaming shaft which, joined to
the Word of God, gives the preacher the strength to pierce,
move and convert the most hardened hearts even if he has
little or no natural gift for preaching.
As I have already said, this was the great secret that Our
Lady taught Saint Dominic and Blessed Alan so that they
might convert heretics and sinners.
Saint Antoninus tells us that this is why many priests got
into the habit of saying a Hail Mary at the beginning of their

The Canada54 National Novena includes a daily reading from the Secret of the Rosary.

There are exactly 54 readings. 
  • A white rose for priests;
  • A red rose for sinners;
  • A mystical rose tree for devout souls;
  • A rosebud for little children;
  • Plus 50 roses representing each Hail Mary recited during 5 decades of the Rosary  - Le Secret du Rosaire - ICI

To purchase a hard copy of this defining work by St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, please visit

CANADA - Sunrise Marian HERE

USA - Montfort Publications HERE 

Read the not-for-profit public domain PDF version HERE

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Do your children pray the Rosary? Click HERE

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